Pupils in Brazil, one wearing OneDollarGlasses
Pupils in Brazil, one wearing OneDollarGlasses
Pupils in Brazil, one wearing OneDollarGlasses


Your interest and commitment during your lifetime can be intensified by a donation in the event of your death. With a bequest, the transfer of an insurance policy or an appropriately worded legacy in your will, you can leave a very individual mark and support your heart project even after your death.

Giving the future with a donation from your legacy

There comes a time for each of us when we start thinking about our own legacy planning. Perhaps you are one of those people who think about more than just their relatives and friends. Is there a topic that moves you and that you are committed to? Perhaps it is a matter close to your heart to help people who have poor eyesight and are limited in their everyday lives as a result?

Young Buddhist with GoodVision Glasses
© EinDollarBrille | Young Buddhist with GoodVision Glasses

Leave traces without tax deduction

As a charitable organization, the EinDollarBrille association is exempt from gift and inheritance tax. The assets that you donate to GoodVision therefore benefit people with defective vision without any deductions.

There are various ways to support the work of GoodVision.


If you would like a certain part of your legacy, e.g. cash, securities or certain material assets, to be used for the work of GoodVision, you can specify this in your will. Your heirs are obliged to fulfill this bequest to the EinDollarBrille association.

Life insurance or private pension

The association EinDollarBrille can be entered in your insurance policy as the beneficiary of your life or private pension insurance if you are no longer able to claim the benefits yourself.

Disposition in favor of third parties

Bank accounts, securities accounts or savings accounts can be provided with a disposition in the event of death in favor of the EinDollarBrille association. In this case, the assets are not included in the estate. Such a disposition can be concluded at any time directly with the respective financial institution and without notarization.

We are here for you:

Renate Eden
Renate Eden
Philanthropy & Head of Fundraising
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