Here you can find out what the aims of the association EinDollarBrille are, where the funds come from, how they are used and who the decision-makers are.
Articles of association, non-profit status and register of associations
To the statutes of EinDollarBrille association: Statues of EinDollarBrille association
The German association EinDollarBrille was founded on June 21, 2012 and is a registered non-profit organization.
EinDollarBrille association is therefore tax-privileged and authorized to issue donation receipts in accordance with the officially prescribed form. The association has its registered office in Erlangen and is entered in the register of associations at Fürth Local Court under the number VR 200672. The association's financial year is the calendar year.
Mission and vision
Our vision: All people worldwide have permanent access to affordable, high-quality basic optical care, especially glasses.
Our mission: We want to achieve basic eye care for people worldwide: By raising awareness, training specialists, building structures and creating local jobs. We want to ensure that people receive the eye care services they need. All our work aims to have the strongest, most positive and lasting impact on care and society.
Orientation towards DZI standards
When preparing the annual financial statements, EinDollarBrille association follows the guidelines of the DZI (German Central Institute for Social Issues) and its criteria for the DZI donation seal. The association's accounts are kept in accordance with the recommendations of the German Commercial Code (full accounting) and are audited and certified by an auditor.
Transparent Civil Society Initiative

The association EinDollarBrille supports the "Transparent Civil Society" initiative of the registered association Transparency International Germany
Information about EinDollarBrille association in accordance with the
voluntary commitment of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative
1. Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
EinDollarBrille e.V.
Obere Karlstraße 29
91054 Erlangen
Year of foundation: 2012
2. Complete statutes and information on the objectives of EinDollarBrille association:
- to Statues EDB 14.10.2023.pdf
- the general objectives of the association: Statues EDB 14.10.2023.pdf (§ 2 Purpose of the association)
3. Information on tax benefits
- Our work is recognized as non-profit within the meaning of Section 5 (1) No. 9 of the German Corporation Tax Act for the purpose of promoting development cooperation according to the last notice of exemption we received from the Erlangen tax office (tax number 216/108/00391) dated 05.09.2023.
4. Name and function of key decision-makers
- According to § 8 of our Articles of Association, the bodies of the association are the General Meeting and the Executive Board. The function of these bodies is described in § 9 and § 10 of the Articles of Association.
- to Board EinDollarBrille e.V.
- to Statues EDB 14.10.2023.pdf
5. Report on activities
6. Staff structure
- to Annual Report 2023, Page 46ff
7. Information on the source of funds
- to Annual Report 2023, Page 46ff
- to Annual financial statements 2023 (in German)
8. Information on the use of funds
- to Annual Report 2023, Page 46ff
- to Annual financial statements 2023 (in German)
9. Corporate affiliation with third parties
- There are no corporate affiliations with third parties that have a significant influence on the decisions of our organization.
10. Contributions that account for more than ten percent of total annual income
- In the last calculation period, there were no annual donations from legal entities or natural persons that accounted for more than ten percent of total annual income.
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