A CareNetram employee during an eye examination
A CareNetram employee during an eye examination
A CareNetram employee during an eye examination


Good eyesight India since 2017: GoodVision is active in three states in the east of the country through Care Netram. On the streets of Odisha and Jharkhand, you can now meet people wearing GoodVision Glasses.


Glasses issued


vision tests carried out


On-site employees

Strong presence in Odisha and Jharkhand

In Odisha, where over 40 million people live, Antje Christ and Martin Aufmuth met Indian entrepreneur Prashant Pachisia in 2017. They signed a joint agreement, laying the foundations for a vibrant partnership. Around five years later, far more than three chairs are needed at a meeting: the team has grown to 103 people, but Antje Christ as program manager and Prashant Pachisia are still on board.

Eyeglass fitting for Indian woman
© EinDollarBrille

More than twice as many glasses were distributed as in the previous year, with a total of around 75,000 people being provided with glasses by the end of 2022.

Man shows woman a flyer
© EinDollarBrille | Awareness-raising work

Awareness-raising work on site is an immensely important part of the work, because only those who are well informed about the benefits of glasses and know how important they are will make the journey to the eye camp.

Walking young people in India
© EinDollarBrille | Young Care Netram team in Jharkhand

The predominantly female GoodVision Technicians (GVTs), the glasses manufacturers and the many other colleagues achieved great things with their commitment and organizational talent.

Eyeglass fitting for Indian woman
© EinDollarBrille

More than twice as many glasses were distributed as in the previous year, with a total of around 75,000 people being provided with glasses by the end of 2022.

Man shows woman a flyer
© EinDollarBrille | Awareness-raising work

Awareness-raising work on site is an immensely important part of the work, because only those who are well informed about the benefits of glasses and know how important they are will make the journey to the eye camp.

Walking young people in India
© EinDollarBrille | Young Care Netram team in Jharkhand

The predominantly female GoodVision Technicians (GVTs), the glasses manufacturers and the many other colleagues achieved great things with their commitment and organizational talent.

Eyeglass fitting for Indian woman
© EinDollarBrille

More than twice as many glasses were distributed as in the previous year, with a total of around 75,000 people being provided with glasses by the end of 2022.

Boy is treated with acupuncture
© EinDollarBrille | Boy is treated with acupuncture

In 2022, the hospital was visited by over 20,000 patients and their relatives for operations or rehabilitation measures.

two older men are talking
© EinDollarBrille | Martin Aufmuth, Andreas Reimer

Martin Aufmuth in conversation with Andreas Reimer, CEO and Project Manager of Asha Vihar

The Care Netram team is standing in front of Vision Center
© EinDollarBrille | Care Netram Team in Asha Vihar

Since 2021, Jharkhand has been another location for the team alongside Odisha and is financed together with the sister organization of GoodVision in Switzerland. Care Netram provides basic eye care there, mobile in the villages and with a fixed contact point on the large Asha Vihar clinic site, which was visited by over 20,000 patients and their relatives for operations or rehabilitation measures in 2022.

Boy is treated with acupuncture
© EinDollarBrille | Boy is treated with acupuncture

In 2022, the hospital was visited by over 20,000 patients and their relatives for operations or rehabilitation measures.

two older men are talking
© EinDollarBrille | Martin Aufmuth, Andreas Reimer

Martin Aufmuth in conversation with Andreas Reimer, CEO and Project Manager of Asha Vihar

The Care Netram team is standing in front of Vision Center
© EinDollarBrille | Care Netram Team in Asha Vihar

Since 2021, Jharkhand has been another location for the team alongside Odisha and is financed together with the sister organization of GoodVision in Switzerland. Care Netram provides basic eye care there, mobile in the villages and with a fixed contact point on the large Asha Vihar clinic site, which was visited by over 20,000 patients and their relatives for operations or rehabilitation measures in 2022.

Boy is treated with acupuncture
© EinDollarBrille | Boy is treated with acupuncture

In 2022, the hospital was visited by over 20,000 patients and their relatives for operations or rehabilitation measures.

Permanent help in the Vision Center

Started as a pilot project, Care Netram has already opened its fourth Vision Center in 2022. There, we offer comprehensive eye examinations in addition to eye tests. The Vision Centers are located in suburbs or on the outskirts of small towns and are easy to reach from the surrounding rural areas. They serve as a point of contact in the event of defective vision and are well-stocked stores offering many other spectacle frames in addition to the GoodVision Glasses.

Pioneer in cataracts

People with cataract surgery and eye bandages
© EinDollarBrille | People with cataract surgery and eye bandages

These people often have no money for an operation, and many are also afraid to go to a clinic. Care Netram therefore takes the patients to the hospital and back to their village in a minibus.

Elderly woman with sunglasses and child
© EinDollarBrille | Elderly woman with sunglasses and child

The operation costs are partly covered by the Indian government, other supporters or GoodVision. Care Netram had organized almost 3,000 cataract operations by the end of 2022. Because it is so successful, we are expanding the cataract project to our other programme countries.

Indian woman gets an eye exam with a flashlight
© EinDollarBrille | Indian woman gets an eye exam with a flashlight

Around 100 million people worldwide suffer from cataracts. This makes it the second most common cause of visual impairment after refractive errors. Our employees in India regularly meet people with cataracts who are at risk of going blind if they are not treated.

People with cataract surgery and eye bandages
© EinDollarBrille | People with cataract surgery and eye bandages

These people often have no money for an operation, and many are also afraid to go to a clinic. Care Netram therefore takes the patients to the hospital and back to their village in a minibus.

Elderly woman with sunglasses and child
© EinDollarBrille | Elderly woman with sunglasses and child

The operation costs are partly covered by the Indian government, other supporters or GoodVision. Care Netram had organized almost 3,000 cataract operations by the end of 2022. Because it is so successful, we are expanding the cataract project to our other programme countries.

Indian woman gets an eye exam with a flashlight
© EinDollarBrille | Indian woman gets an eye exam with a flashlight

Around 100 million people worldwide suffer from cataracts. This makes it the second most common cause of visual impairment after refractive errors. Our employees in India regularly meet people with cataracts who are at risk of going blind if they are not treated.

People with cataract surgery and eye bandages
© EinDollarBrille | People with cataract surgery and eye bandages

These people often have no money for an operation, and many are also afraid to go to a clinic. Care Netram therefore takes the patients to the hospital and back to their village in a minibus.

Sweta Mahato – On the road to professional life

Young Indian woman styling her hair
© EinDollarBrille | Sweta Mahato

Sweta Mahato was trained at Care Netram to become a GoodVision Technician (GVT). The 19-year-old has lived in the orphanage, which is part of the Asha Vihar clinic in Jharkhand, since she was two years old.

The GVTs have their rooms there and are fed. For Sweta, it is her home. For the first time in her life, she is earning her own money and is proud to be able to help other people with her newly acquired knowledge.

Good eyesight for everyone!

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