People at a GoodVision information stand
People at a GoodVision information stand
People at a GoodVision information stand


Get involved with GoodVision and let's make our vision a reality together: All people worldwide have permanent access to basic eye care. In addition to eye tests, the provision of glasses and the training of local staff, this also includes awareness campaigns and international networking.

Logo GoVolunteer

Collaboration in the regional groups

GoodVision information stand with volunteers
© EinDollarBrille | GoodVision information stand at the Green World Tour in Berlin

If you would like to get involved in your region and get to know GoodVision without obligation, we look forward to hearing from you. You have the opportunity to do so in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Erlangen, Hanover and Stuttgart or in the Rhine-Ruhr or Rhine-Main area.

The members of the regional groups visit trade fairs or Christmas markets with their information stands to make the EinDollarBrille association better known. They give presentations about the work of GoodVision in companies or at local service clubs such as Rotary, Soroptimists or Lions. Anyone who has always wanted to know how to bend a pair of GoodVision Glasses is also in the right place.

Collaboration in supra-regional voluntary work

Group of GoodVision employees on a greenfield site
© EinDollarBrille | Fall weekend: Exchange between full-time and voluntary work

Would you like to contribute to our charitable work with your specialist knowledge in your free time? We are regularly looking for people who would like to work together with our specialist departments on a wide variety of topics.

Our areas of responsibility are as diverse as our organization: whether it's optical expertise, materials management, communication, fundraising or human resources – we are looking for people who want to make a long-term and committed commitment in an open-minded and meaningful environment.

Voluntary service in Bolivia and Colombia

Two young women in Bolivia
© EinDollarBrille | weltwärts student Laura with patient

Every year, around 20 young men and women from Germany who come to Santa Cruz through the German government's weltwärts program (organized by Volunta gGmbH) are a great help to LAI (Bolivia) and LAI (Colombia). They spend a year helping out on site, assisting with the eye tests and helping to organize the eye camps. If you are now interested in supporting our program, you can find inspiration here:

weltwärts program

Collaboration in the main office

The whole GoodVision team at the Country Workshop
© EinDollarBrille | The whole GoodVision team at the Country Workshop in Erlangen

We have set ourselves an ambitious goal: Good eyesight for everyone. To achieve this, we also need people to strengthen our team with their expertise on a permanent basis.

What speaks for us: meaningful work.

We are successful in what we do and are getting closer every day to our goal of providing basic optical care to everyone in the world.

What makes us special:

  • Our international team works professionally and highly motivated on a wide variety of tasks.
  • Virtual and flexible part-time or full-time working is a matter of course for us.
  • Remuneration and benefits are agreed transparently and fairly within the framework of our internal salary system.
  • When different people work together, we achieve our goals better. We welcome applications from competent and creative people with and without disabilities, regardless of gender, age, origin or religion.

We are looking for likeable people who can help shape our vision.

All vacant positions are listed on the JOIN platform:

If there are no vacancies at the moment, but you are still interested in working with us, please contact us by e-mail at or contact Tanya Train directly.

We are here for you:

Tanya Train
Tanya Train
Head of HR
Barbara Gängler
Barbara Gängler
Head of Voluntary Work
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