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All our eyewear manufacturers bring touching life stories with them. So did the Peruvian Raquel, who had previously laboriously peeled garlic to feed herself and her children on the meager wages.
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Issaf Traoré

The pension is not enough for glasses Issaf Traoré, now 60 years old, last wore glasses five years ago. At that time, he was still a chauffeur and, with -3 dioptres, was dependent on glasses. Now retired, his financial resources are no longer sufficient to replace his now unusable glasses. Issaf had
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Luan is suffering from keratoconus

A story that gives us hope and shows how important it is that we don't give up and keep coming back to people. Luan was at the top of our patient list so that we could help him permanently.
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Burkina Faso

Since 2013, GoodVision has been continuously offering eye tests and glasses, informing the population about the opportunities of a visual aid and creating secure jobs locally through qualified training.
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The OneDollarGlasses

According to a 2019 study by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 950 million people need glasses but cannot afford them or do not have access to optical care. The consequences: Children are unable to follow lessons at school. Adults are unable to take on any or any qualified work in order to
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Good eyesight makes all the difference

Good vision is an essential part of quality of life. It enables us to perceive the world clearly and has a decisive influence on education, work and social integration. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world do not have access to an effective supply of glasses. GoodVision is committed to
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