Panorama in Myanmar, green forests, temples with golden roofs, river in the background
Panorama in Myanmar, green forests, temples with golden roofs, river in the background
Panorama in Myanmar, green forests, temples with golden roofs, river in the background


The sister organization GoodVision Switzerland launched its first own programme in 2018 in cooperation with the Sitagu Buddhist Foundation, which runs 35 hospitals in Myanmar.


Glasses issued


vision tests carried out


On-site employees


Program start

The local team in Myanmar consists of trained nurses who already have experience in carrying out eye tests. Unlike in other countries, the glasses are provided free of charge. As the Buddhist organization is only financed by donations, it provides all health services free of charge to the people in the surrounding area.

Young buddhist monk with GoodVision Glasses
© EinDollarBrille | Young buddhist monk with GoodVision Glasses

Holding out in Myanmar

Eye test with a Buddhist monk with Kaleidos
© EinDollarBrille | Eye test with Kaleidos autorefractometer

Despite the tense political situation in Myanmar, GoodVision (Myanmar) has so far been able to continue on a small scale and regularly offers eye camps in the hospitals of the Sitagu Buddhist Foundation.

Good eyesight for everyone!

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