Vision tests
Glasses are only a safe and valuable tool for good eyesight with a professionally performed eye test.
Free of charge and of high quality
In order to be able to select the right glasses for refractive errors, specialist optical training is required. Only well-trained specialists are allowed to carry out eye tests and fit glasses in the program countries. GoodVision always offers high-quality eye tests, which are carried out by trained opticians.
In order to maintain high optical quality, we use various approaches, such as theoretical evaluations of patient data and concrete practical checks during the eye tests. More on this topic:
Off to eye camp
Many paths lead to good eyesight with GoodVision. We started with simple eye camps:

GoodVision Shops: Fixed points of contact for good vision in India, Burkina Faso and Malawi. There we provide free eye tests and, if required, suitable glasses.

GoodVision Truck: A converted truck not only brings eye tests and glasses to people in Brazil, but also all the necessary equipment for professional eye examinations.
People go blind in the waiting line
In theory, everyone in Brazil is entitled to basic medical care. But on average, people wait two to six years for a simple eye examination. This leads to long queues, such as in the country's sixth largest city, Belo Horizonte. Around 45,000 people were on the waiting list for an eye examination there in 2021. This included people with acute eye diseases who were at risk of blindness.
According to a study, around half of the cases could be avoided if people were treated in time. Patients are literally going blind in the waiting line.

In September, our team launched the largest mass screening to date. By the end of December 2021, 10,135 patients had been examined in Belo Horizonte, 774 of whom were immediately referred to the eye clinic for treatment. In total, over 22,500 people were examined. Fittingly, the Renovatio team had already opened an eyewear store directly in front of the hospital in August 2021.
The ophthalmic specialists
GoodVision has developed its own training concept for ophthalmic specialists. Training to become a GoodVision Technician (GVT) takes a total of one year. After just a few weeks, trainees are able to perform a simple eye test and fit glasses safely. Through regular recertification and follow-up training for trainees, we ensure high quality standards when carrying out eye tests and selecting the right lenses. More on this topic: